Terms and conditions

1. Conditions of Use
The website is an internet page about the promotion of services of its owner firm, DOJO EXPERTS. It has been created, belongs to and is administered by DOJO EXPERTS.
The provisions of the present document detail the use of this website.
This website contains material prepared solely for informational and/or promotional purposes. The company hereby reserves the right that this material be changed modified or updated at any time without previous notice.
By solely navigating through the contents of this website, you unconditionally accept the terms and conditions written down hereafter. If you are a minor, you should navigate this website only upon explicit permission from your legal guardian. Also, in case you are navigating in the capacity of a representative of a legal person, you should have the necessary authorization to do so from the governing body/ies of the legal person you represent.

2. Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights
The entire content of this website, which includes material that has been prepared solely for declaratory purposes, texts, images, files, photographs, logos, graphs, brand names, icons, color combinations or any other element, any corresponding structure and design, the selection and manner of presentation of the material included herein, the software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, including corresponding graphic design and source code required for its proper functioning, access and use, are all protected by industrial and intellectual property rights belonging to both DOJO EXPERTS or third parties, as these are stipulated in domestic, US and international legislation applicable at each given time in the United States.
Specifically, the reproduction, transformation, distribution, communication, public dissemination and, in general, any form of development, using any procedure whatsoever, of all or part of the contents of this website, as well as any corresponding design and the selection and manner of presentation of the materials included herein are strictly prohibited. Exception is made for the content of this website which has been created clearly for promotional purposes and which can be freely reproduced or whenever DOJO EXPERTS has granted specific permission for reproduction or use in any other manner of any of the website’s contents.
The decompilation, disassembly, reverse engineering, sub-licensing or transfer of any kind, translation or execution of work derived from the computer programs required for functioning, access and use of this website, and of the services described in the contents, as well as the execution of any of the development activities described in the previous paragraph, whether related to all or part of such programs, is also strictly prohibited. The user of this website must abstain from deleting, modifying, avoiding or manipulating any protection device or security systems that may be installed herein.
The brand names, commercial names and distinctive symbols are the sole property of either DOJO EXPERTS or third parties. Access to the website does not imply the granting of any rights regarding the aforementioned brand names, commercial names or distinctive symbols whatsoever.

3. Hyperlinks
The hyperlinks or links included in this website can lead the user to third party sites and web pages, over which DOJO EXPERTS has no control. DOJO EXPERTS shall not be held liable for the contents or the state in which those sites and web pages are found. Access to those sites and web pages using hyperlinks appearing on DOJO EXPERTS website does not in any way imply that DOJO EXPERTS either recommends or approves of their contents.

4. Modifications
In order to improve the website, DOJO EXPERTS reserves the right to modify or temporarily suspend the website presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services unilaterally and without previous notice.
DOJO EXPERTS also reserves the right to modify the conditions of use, as well as any other specific conditions, set forth herein at any time.

5. Liability Exclusion
Whoever uses the website does so at their own expense and risk. DOJO EXPERTS, its associates, outside human resources, employees and representatives shall not be held liable for the errors or omissions that could exist within the contents of either this website or other contents to which access can be gained through it. DOJO EXPERTS, its associates, outside human resources, employees and representatives shall also not be held liable for either any damages arising from the use of this website or any activity undertaken as a result of the information made available herein.
The information included in this website is made available without any guarantee whatsoever, neither explicit nor implied, and can be modified or updated without previous notice.
DOJO EXPERTS does not guarantee the absence of viruses, worms or other harmful computer elements that could cause damage or alter the computer system in the electronic documents or user files included herein. As a result, DOJO EXPERTS shall not be held liable for any user or third party damages or losses arising from such elements. Furthermore, DOJO EXPERTS shall not be held liable for or guarantee the availability and continuity of access to this web site. DOJO EXPERTS shall also not guarantee that this website is free of errors. It shall be the user’s responsibility to have the appropriate tools available for detecting and disinfecting harmful or damaging computer programs.
The user shall be held liable for losses and damages of any kind that DOJO EXPERTS could suffer as a result of incompliance with the obligations set forth herein. The user is fully aware of and voluntarily accepts the fact that they are fully liable for any consequences arising from any use of any part of the contents herein.

6. Privacy Policy
DOJO EXPERTS hereby promises to protect and safeguard the personal information to which the Company gains access by way of the users or visitors to this website permission. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform users and visitors of our website of all relevant information regarding the collection and processing of personal information by DOJO EXPERTS.
DOJO EXPERTS reserves the right to modify and/or update this policy periodically in order to maintain compliance with current applicable legislation and legitimate DOJO EXPERTS practices. The content of the new policy shall be published on the website and will be permanently available to users of and visitors to the website. Users and visitors are advised to read and consult this Privacy Policy each and every time they gain access to this website.
Should the applicants not wish that their information be used for the purpose indicated or wants to exercise corresponding access, correction, cancellation or opposition rights, they must communicate this request to DOJO EXPERTS.
DOJO EXPERTS reserves the right to deny, suspend, interrupt or cancel, either totally or partially, access to or use of this website for those users in non-compliance with the conditions set forth herein.
The personal information provided to the Company by any way of correspondence shall be included in the database of DOJO EXPERTS. This shall be done in order to respond to your inquiry, to take care of your request, to forward your information request to the appropriate DOJO EXPERTS staff member, to compile statistics and to send you information related to DOJO EXPERTS activities and services that could be of interest to you. Such information could include, but not be limited to, offers, news, events, newsletters, surveys and information related to the consulting department. Furthermore, we hereby inform you that your information could be transferred to other DOJO EXPERTS affiliates, some of which have been established in countries that are not members of the European Union, for the purposes described herein.
Should the users not wish that their information be used for the purpose indicated or wants to exercise corresponding access, correction, cancellation or opposition rights, they must communicate a request to DOJO EXPERTS.

7. Cookies
This website can use cookies to get information on the number of users of the website. This is at all times done following the provisions in force in the European Union.
Since cookies are not necessary for the use of the website, you can easily reject and delete the cookies installed on your computer. The procedures for blocking and deleting cookies may differ from one Internet browser to another and, therefore, you must read the instructions given for that purpose by the manufacturer of the Internet browser you are using. Most browsers allow you to set alerts for the presence of cookies or automatically reject them. If you choose to reject cookies you can still use the website, but may have limited use of some of the elements.

8. Communication of Illegal or Inappropriate Activities
If any website user has knowledge of any hyperlink that leads to web pages whose content or services are illegal, harmful, degrading, violent or morally inappropriate, they should contact DOJO EXPERTS, which unilaterally declares that it will take every measure necessary in order to erase and/or prevent from reappearing in the future of this content.

9. Legislation
The present document and the provisions contained herein shall be interpreted and governed by the legislation applicable at any time in the United States.
For all matters requiring valid proof, the only permissible instrument shall be the written form; all other means of proof, including oath, are strictly prohibited.
Any case requiring judicial remedy that stems from provisions of this document shall be brought before the Courts of California, US, as the place for exclusive jurisdiction recognized bilaterally both by DOJO EXPERTS and the website user(s).


800 600 0881
Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm
395 Santa Monica Place Unit 308 Santa Monica, CA 90401


17250 Dallas Pkwy | Dallas, TX 75248 at City Central
© 2025 DOJO EXPERTS – All rights reserved.
POWERED BY ENKI Technologies